12 Winter Energy Saving Tips

Nearly half of your home’s energy costs are incurred by your heating and cooling system. During the summer and winter months, when temperature control is most used, your utility expenses increase dramatically. During the winter, heating costs can be a serious issue. Fortunately, you can save money on your utility bill while still staying warm in the winter by reducing your heating costs.   

1. Allow the sun to shine during the day

When you open your curtains and blinds during the day, you allow the sun to naturally heat your home.

2. At night, close the curtains

Because windows are not as well insulated as walls, they can also be a source of heat loss. When the sun sets, close your curtains and blinds to prevent cold chills from entering your home. To maximize your windows’ energy efficiency, consider purchasing insulated curtains.

3. Drafts and leaks should be eliminated

It is easy, cheap, and effective to seal the air in your home. Weatherstripping and caulking usually pay for themselves within a year. You can use caulk between stationary objects, such as doors and windows, in order to seal cracks and openings. When things move, such as the door itself or window sashes, you should use weatherstripping.

External Doors

A door is one of the most common places for drafts to enter. You should check the weather stripping and seals around your door frame if you have a drafty door. Whenever weather stripping or seals are damaged or missing, they should be replaced with new caulk.


In older homes, especially those with older windows, drafts, and heat loss are common problems. You can insulate your windows in the winter by wrapping the frames with clear plastic cling wrap. A window film is a cheap, easy-to-install, and easy-to-remove product that can be found at home improvement stores or online. Adding insulation to every window in your home will only cost a few bucks, but you’ll save money on heating bills.

Attic and Basement

Attics and basements often hide the worst air leaks, so be sure to check them thoroughly when looking for them. Seal small cracks with caulk or foam. Insulation may need to be installed or replaced for larger holes. 

Unexpected Heat Leaks

There are a few other sources of drafts you may not know about besides doors and windows. Through electrical outlets, light fixtures, air conditioning units, and gaps in your insulation, cold air can leak into your house.

The warmth of a fireplace in winter is great, but it can also let cold air in when not in use. Close your fireplace damper whenever you aren’t using it. Make sure the chimney flue is plugged and sealed if you never use the fireplace.

4. Unused rooms should have their doors and vents closed

Have a guest room you don’t use unless the in-laws are here? Is there a storage room? Perhaps the kids are away at college. You are wasting energy heating a room in your house that you rarely use, whatever the reason. Shut all doors and vents in the room. As a result, you won’t have to pay to heat spaces that aren’t occupied.

5. Keep warm with clothes and blankets

The cost of heating your body is much lower than that of heating your house. You can compensate by wearing a nice sweater and warm socks around the house while keeping the thermostat low. Under a thick blanket, comforter, or duvet, you’ll stay warm at night. 

You should consider buying a doggie sweater for your pooch if you’re concerned about them staying warm. It is not recommended for cats to wear sweaters. Aside from hating clothing, cats also seem to know where the warmest spot is in the house by instinct.

6. Reset Your Water Heater Thermostat

Water heaters are the second highest energy consumer in the home after heating and cooling systems. Most people set their water heater thermostats way too high, which wastes a lot of energy.

A water heater heats water to a preset temperature and maintains it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that your water heater constantly reheats water to that temperature, whether you use it or not. By setting your water heater a couple of degrees cooler, you can save a few dollars on your energy bills. You likely won’t notice the difference unless you’re used to taking showers at skin-scalding temperatures. 

7. Circulate the air

During the summer, ceiling fans keep you cool, but did you know they can also keep you warm?

When ceiling fans rotate counterclockwise, they push air down, causing a slight wind chill effect that makes you feel cooler. A reverse switch is usually available on most ceiling fans, allowing them to rotate clockwise and create an updraft to move warm air from your ceiling to the rest of your house.

8. Make use of space heaters

Try using a space heater if you only need to heat a small area. Because there is no heat loss through ducts or combustion, electric space heaters are extremely energy-efficient. A space heater is an excellent choice for heating closed-off areas you occupy only occasionally, such as your garage or the bathroom that’s always colder than the rest of the house for some reason. If you are looking to heat your entire home, space heaters are not as effective as heat pumps or natural gas furnaces.

9. Home and decoration LED lights

This holiday season, consider using LED lights if you are planning an elaborate Christmas light show. LED lights are the most energy-efficient lighting option available today. It uses 75% less energy than standard incandescent lights and lasts 25 times longer. LEDs may cost a bit more upfront, but they are so durable and long-lasting that your grandchildren could still be using the same string of lights 40 years from now. It is possible to connect 25 strings of holiday LEDs end-to-end without overloading any standard wall outlet because they use so little electricity.

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10. Leave the oven door open after you use it

It would be impractical to heat your home entirely with your oven. However, if you’re going to use it anyway, you shouldn’t waste the heat. Allow the extra heat to escape and warm your kitchen after your dinner is done in the oven.

11. Reduce Your Home’s Temperature

By lowering the temperature in your home by just a few degrees, you can save significant amounts of money over time. Set your thermostat to the lowest temperature you find comfortable.

12. When you go to sleep, turn down the thermostat

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, turning your thermostat down 10 to 15 degrees for eight hours a day can save you 10% on your energy bill. You should lower the thermostat when you are not home and when everyone is asleep. Save money while staying warm under thick blankets.

BONUS TIP –  Install a smart thermostat

Although this is a well-known energy-saving tip many homeowners still do not have a smart thermostat. Purchase a smart thermostat. Thermostats with Wi-Fi capabilities automatically adjust your home’s temperature settings for maximum energy efficiency. With these devices, you can set a schedule so that the temperature automatically adjusts to save energy when you sleep or are away from home.

Many states and cities offer rebates for installing smart thermostats, so check your area for rebates or other perks to save money on a new device. Check with your energy provider for discounts on smart thermostats. 


Winter isn’t the only time to save energy. These tips will save you money all year long. It’s not a good idea to wear a thick sweater in front of a space heater in the summer heat, but air stripping, insulated curtains, and smart thermostats work equally well. It is just as easy to keep your home cool in summer as it is to keep it warm in winter with these techniques.

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